Strengthening Bonds in Challenging Times
As our world continues to fragment and the liquidity of post-modernity strains our natural and ecclesial bonds, the Kenwood Network aims to come alongside to strengthen and equip pastors and churches for the work of the ministry. Our Network of like-minded churches all subscribe to similar doctrinal standards and distinctives, including but not limited to being unapologetically Christ-centered, Reformed, Baptist, and Complementarian, as we aim to multiply healthy churches in fulfillment of the Great Commission motivated by the Great Commandment.
Networking Like-minded Churches
You don’t have to be on an island. The Kenwood Network provides you and your church with like-minded brotherhood and fellowship — even at a distance as we walk together and face challenges as members of one Body of Christ.
Equipping the Ministry
The Kenwood Network is funded and staffed and supported by Kenwood Baptist Church alumni to support the work of like-minded healthy churches in their local contexts.
Encouraging the Saints
As Kenwood Network pastors benefit from the community and resources of the Kenwood Institute, we hope to multiply our impact of reaching more people with the Good News and encouragement of the Gospel.

Save the Date!
On April 5–7, the Kenwood Institute is hosting an inaugural Kenwood Network conference for Kenwood alumni and friends.
April 5–7, 2024 | Kenwood Baptist Church
Conference Theme: The New Covenant in Christ
Reunite in Louisville.
When was the last time you saw your fellow Kenwood alumni and friends? The Kenwood Network conference is a chance to reconnect with old friends and kindle new friendships
Stay with friends.
Kenwood families will host conference attendees, so you don’t have to worry about lodging!
Be encouraged by the Word.
The Kenwood Network conference will feature preaching and teaching from both Kenwood elders and Kenwood alumni around the theme of the New Covenant.
Get books and swag.
The Kenwood Institute wants to send you home with resources for your ministry.
Volunteer at the Conference
Calling all current Kenwood Members!
Here is your chance to show hospitality to your fellow Kenwoodians, past and present. Sign up today!
Conference Schedule
- All Day: Travel
- 6:00pm: Dinner at Kenwood
- 7:00pm: Welcome and Session 1 (Jim Hamilton)
- 8:30pm: To host homes
- 8:30am: Breakfast at Kenwood
- 9:30am: Session 2 (Ross Shannon)
- 10:30am: Break (refreshments at Kenwood)
- 11am: Session 3 (Dallas Goebel)
- 12pm: Lunch on your own, Free time
- 6:00pm: Dinner at Kenwood
- 7:00pm: Session 4 (Denny Burk)
- 8:30pm: To host homes
- 9:45am: Kenwood Sunday School
- 10:45am: Kenwood Worship Service
- 12:30: Kenwood Potluck
- Travel home
Volunteer to Host a Family
Calling all current Kenwood Members! Here is your chance to show hospitality to Kenwood family alumni. Sign up today!