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The State of the SBC | An Evening with Dr. R. Albert Mohler

Kenwood Baptist Church at Victory Memorial, 3805 Southern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40214, USA

Join us at the Kenwood Institute on Friday, February 16th for an evening with Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for a conversation on the State of the Southern Baptist Convention.


Event Series Seminars

The Sufficiency of Scripture and Biblical Counseling in the Local Church

Kenwood Baptist Church at Victory Memorial, 3805 Southern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40214, USA

Join the Kenwood Institute for a Saturday Seminar on the Sufficiency of Scripture and Biblical Counseling in the local church. Dr. Dave and Teresa Johnson will be speaking alongside Kenwood Counseling Pastor J.O. Oesterling. Dr. Johnson is a family medicine doctor (MD) and his wife Teresa has a masters in psychiatric nursing (RN). Both have… Read More »The Sufficiency of Scripture and Biblical Counseling in the Local Church

What about the Church? with Wes Pastor

Join the Kenwood Institute on Thursday, May 2nd, at 7pm ET for a seminar with Wes Pastor, director of the NETS Institute, on pastoral ministry, church revitalization, and church planting. MORE: Kenwood couples are invited to a pizza dinner with the Pastors at 6pm. Registration required. Join the Kenwood Institute on Thursday, May 2nd at… Read More »What about the Church? with Wes Pastor

Christianity and Politics

Kenwood Baptist Church at Victory Memorial, 3805 Southern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40214, USA

Open to the community! Join the Kenwood Institute for an evening seminar on Christianity and Politics in the run-up to the November election. The seminar will feature lectures from Jonathan… Read More »Christianity and Politics